1、Bullshit!First,D for DOTS not double!!!D是dots,不是double在这里有一个公式:尺寸*DPI=像素DPI是量度单位,英文全写是dots per inch,用于打印机,指每英吋能印出的点的数目。
4、例如撞针打印机,分辨率通常是60至90 dpi。
5、喷墨打印机则可达1200 dpi,甚至9600 dpi。
6、激光打印机则有600至1200 dpi。
12、原文:Dots per inch (DPI) is a measure of printing resolution, in particular the number of individual dots of ink a printer or toner can produce within a linear one-inch (2.54 cm) space.Up to a point, printers with higher DPI produce clearer and more detailed output. A printer does not necessarily have a single DPI measurement; it is dependent on the print mode, which is usually influenced by driver settings. The range of DPI supported by a printer is most dependent on the print head technology it uses. A dot matrix printer, for example, applies ink via tiny rods striking an ink ribbon, and has a relatively low resolution, typically in the range of 60 to 90 DPI. An inkjet printer sprays ink through tiny nozzles, and is typically capable of 360 DPI. A laser printer applies toner through a controlled electrostatic charge, and may be in the range of 600 to 1800 DPI.The DPI measurement of a printer often needs to be considerably higher than the pixels per inch (PPI) measurement of a video display in order to produce similar-quality output. This is due to the limited range of colors for each dot typically available on a printer. At each dot position, the simplest type of color printer can print no dot, or a dot consisting of a fixed volume of ink in each of four color channels (typically CMYK with cyan, magenta, yellow and black ink). Contrast this to a standard sRGB monitor where each pixel produces 256 intensities of light in each of three channels (RGB) to additively create 2563 = 16,777,216 colors. The number of unique colors for a printed CMYK dot from this simplest type of inkjet printer is only 8 since no colored ink is visible when printed on black and black is used instead of CMY:参考资料: Encyclopedia。